General Information
Year Released 1985
Card Numbers 42a-83a and 42b-83b
Number of Cards to Make a Numerical Set 84
Number of Variation Cards 47
Number of Cards to Make a Complete Variation Set 131
Total Number of Different Wrappers 2
Section Last Updated January 1, 2015
Card and Wrapper Variations
Card Variations
Wrapper Variations
Printable Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
     You can either click the following link to open the variation checklist in a new window and print it out, or you can right-click the following link and save the variation checklist to your computer.  United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
Printable Extended Card Variation Checklist
     The extended card variation checklist contains all of the card variations noted in the regular variation checklist plus any asterisk and card finish differences.  These differences are typically not considered variations, which is why they were excluded from the regular variation checklist.
     You can either click the following link to open the variation checklist in a new window and print it out, or you can right-click the following link and save the variation checklist to your computer.  United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series Extended Card Variation Checklist
Card Image Samples
First card of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series Last card of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series
Image overview of cards 42a to 83a of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series
Image overview of cards 42a to 83a of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series
Card checklist (first wave) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series Card checklist (second and third wave) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series
Additional Notes
     There were three print waves for the United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series.  The first print wave had puzzle pieces with Leaky Lindsay / Messy Tessie, and the character name for card 49b was Schizo Fran.  The second print wave had puzzle pieces with Jolted Joel / Live Mike, and the character name for card 49b was Schizo Fran.  The third print wave had puzzle pieces with Jolted Joel / Live Mike, and the character name for card 49b was changed to Fran Fran.  The Fran Fran card is not rare, but it is slightly less common than the Schizo Fran card.  Because of the character name change for card 49b, the checklists were also changed.  Most card dealers do not sell United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series variation sets of 131, but they usually sell sets from certain print waves containing the variations specific to that print wave.  If you were to try and piece together a variation set of 131 by purchasing sets from different print waves, it would be best to purchase a set from the first print waves and the third print waves because the second print wave does not contain the Fran Fran variation or checklist changes.  Since I did not know how many print runs there were for the series, I used the term "print wave" to refer to the design characteristics unique to a group of printings.
     The United States Garbage Pail Kids 2nd Series was produced with glossy finish card backs and with matte finish card backs.  This difference can be found in the first print wave, but it has not been confirmed that it occurs in the second and third print waves.  The cards were most likely printed on whatever card stock Topps had on hand.  It is best to have a set consist of cards with either glossy finish card backs or matte finish card backs but not a mixture of the two types of card backs.
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